Welcome to our new website at our shiny new domain www.eirsat1.ie! Like the old website, this site has our team biographies, a blog and information about our experiments. We have a new addition to the site, a Forum, where the public can ask questions about our satellite! If you have any burning questions feel free to ask!
To our new visitors, welcome! Roam our blog to read about the journey so far. We are currently awaiting the outcome of the Critical Design Review, which is the stage of the mission where the design of the satellite is defined and put on paper in a suite of documents. These documents have been reviewed by European Space Agency experts, and we have revised the documents based on their feedback.
Ambient Test Campaign Preparations
While the website was down, a lot of hard work was conducted in the background to prepare for the next stage of the mission - Ambient Test Readiness Review. This stage of the mission involves planning the tests we will conduct on the prototype and flight model of the satellite in an earth environment. We have been defining the tests we need to complete, laying out procedures and identifying the equipment needed to test the subsystems and satellite.

UCD Physics Society Talk
On April 11th Maeve and Sarah presented the EIRSAT-1 story to the public at an event hosted by the UCD Physics Society and received fantastic questions and feedback.

2nd Symposium on Space Educational Activities, Budapest
On April 11th-13th, many of our engineers took a trip to the 2nd Symposium on Space Educational Activities in Budapest. System Engineer David Murphy presented the EIRSAT-1 mission to the conference attendees and the mechanical engineering team presented a talk on one of our payloads, Wave Based Control. This is a software payload which will test a novel algorithm for controlling EIRSAT-1's movement in space. They also presented the antenna deployment module, our custom built on-board antenna, to the attendees.